~♥~FREE GIVEAWAYS! Free INITIAL necklace Giveaway!~♥~

~♥~FREE GIVEAWAYS!!! Free INITIAL necklace Giveaway! There will be TWO giveaways!!! One random pick from our Facebook fans and One random pick from the comment section. If you are a fan and leave a comment, your chance of winning this necklace is DOUBLED! The drawing will be held on next Friday, Aug 20th ~♥~
LINK: http://www.facebook.com/pages/JC-Jewelry-Design-Handmade-Jewelry-and-Accessories/104123882962895?v=wall
Here is How to Enter:
1. Be a JC Jewelry Design's Facebook Fan (If you are already a fan, you're automatically entered) and / or
2. Write in the comment section, what item you'll buy from our shop (http://www.jcjewelrydesign.etsy.com/) if this was a Christmas season, and who are you buying it for?'
Thank you for being our Facebook Fan and good luck :)!See More